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Renewing Visitor Insurance for Your Parents: What Do You Need to Know? 

Renewing Visitor Insurance for Your Parents: What Do You Need to Know?

Bringing your parents to visit you in the US is a special and heartwarming experience. It allows them to spend quality time with their families, explore unfamiliar places, and create lasting memories. However, along with the joy of their visit, you must also consider their health and well-being. 

One essential aspect of this consideration is renewing their visitor insurance, ensuring they are protected throughout their stay. Let us dive in. 

Table of Contents: 

What is visitor insurance renewal? 

Visitor insurance renewal refers to the process of extending an existing visitor insurance policy for individuals who are visiting a foreign country. Visitor insurance is typically purchased for a specific duration, and when that coverage period is about to expire, policyholders have the option to renew it, allowing them to maintain continuous insurance coverage during their stay. 

The Importance of Visitor Insurance Renewal 

Visitor insurance is a safety net that provides coverage for unexpected medical expenses, ensuring your parents receive necessary medical care while abroad. The coverage can encompass a wide range of medical services, including doctor’s visits, hospitalization, emergency treatments, prescription medications, and more. Renewing visitor insurance is crucial to maintain this protection

and avoid potential financial burdens resulting from unforeseen health issues. 

What Do You Need to Know? 

1. Start Early 

Procrastination is rarely your friend when it comes to insurance matters. Renewing visitor insurance is no exception. It is imperative to start the renewal process well in advance of your parents’ current insurance policy’s expiration date. This proactive approach helps ensure there is no gap in coverage, leaving them unprotected. Insurance providers typically do not allow renewal after the policy has expired.  

2. Understand the Policy Terms 

Before renewing your parents’ visitor insurance, review the terms and conditions of their current policy. Pay close attention to renewal eligibility criteria and any specific requirements. Each insurance provider may have unique policies and guidelines regarding renewals. Understanding these terms will help you navigate the renewal process more smoothly. 

3. Evaluate Their Health 

Health can change over time, and it is essential to assess your parents’ current health status. Any changes in their medical condition, new diagnoses, or recent treatments should be considered during the renewal process. If they are receiving treatment for an illness/injury, the policy must be renewed before it expires. If the policy expires it cannot be renewed and the current illness/injury will be considered a pre-existing condition on the new policy.   

4. Contact Your Insurance Provider 

Once you have familiarized yourself with the policy terms and assessed your parents’ health, it is time to reach out to your insurance provider or agent. They are your primary resource for information and guidance throughout the renewal process. Contact them to inquire about the renewal process, required documentation, and any specific forms or procedures you need to follow. 

5. Review Coverage Needs 

As your parents continue their stay, consider whether their coverage needs have changed. For instance, if they plan to travel more extensively within the host country or have developed specific health concerns, you may need to adjust their coverage accordingly. 

6. Documentation 

Typically, other than the renewal form itself, you do not need to submit any other documentation if you still are eligible for the plan. To prove eligibility,  you may be required to submit documents like, visa information, passport details, and any other documentation requested by the insurance provider if there is a claim. Ensure that you gather and submit all necessary documents promptly.  

7. Timely Submission 

Timeliness is key when renewing visitor insurance. Submit the renewal application and required documents well before the policy expiration date. Waiting until the last minute can result in unnecessary stress and potential coverage gaps. By submitting your renewal early, you are assured that the policy is renewed in a timely manner and is active without gap. 


1. What happens if I do not renew my parents’ visitor insurance? 

If you do not renew the insurance before it expires, your parents will lose coverage, potentially leaving them vulnerable to unexpected medical expenses. If they still need coverage, a new application will have to be completed. If there has been an illness/injury that they were treated for, it will be considered a pre-existing condition on the new policy and will be excluded from coverage.  

2. Can I renew my parents’ visitor insurance for an extended period? 

Depending on the insurance policy, you may be able to renew for an extended period. Some policies offer both short-term and long-term renewals. Most plans can be renewed up to a year, after which a new application can be completed or, depending on the plan, can be renewed for another year.  

3. Can I adjust the coverage limits during the renewal process? 

No, renewals are processed with the same coverage amount and deductible. You can only change the end date of the policy during renewal.  If you prefer to change your coverage amount, you will have to re-apply and the application will be considered as a new policy. 

4. Is there a difference in premium rates for renewal compared to a new policy? 

Renewal premiums typically stay the same unless there is an age difference.  

5. When should I start the renewal process for my parents’ visitor insurance? 

It is advisable to start the renewal process well before the current policy’s expiration date to avoid coverage gaps. It is important to remember that policies cannot be renewed after the expiration date.  


Renewing visitor insurance for your parents is a responsible and caring step to ensure their health and well-being during their stay in another country. It is a process that requires careful consideration, proactive planning, and attention to detail. Remember that visitor insurance renewal offers not only financial protection but also the priceless gift of peace of mind, allowing you and your parents to enjoy time with family without worry. 

For more information, contact Visitor Guard®. 

Pallavi Sadekar

Pallavi Sadekar

Travel Insurance Expert

Pallavi Sadekar is a seasoned insurance professional with over 17 years of experience in the industry. As the Head of Operations at Visitor Guard®, she brings a wealth of expertise to the field. With a profound understanding of insurance, Pallavi has consistently demonstrated her commitment to helping clients make informed decisions about their coverage.

Pallavi’s insights and advice has earned her recognition in esteemed publications, including Forbes, USA Today, and various online platforms. Her contributions to these outlets have solidified her reputation as a trusted authority in the insurance domain. Whether it’s navigating the complexities of visitor insurance, finding the right coverage for clients, or understanding the intricacies of visitor health insurance, Pallavi’s in-depth knowledge allows her to offer practical and informed guidance to her clients.


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