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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Sports Travel Insurance


5 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Sports Travel Insurance

Sports Travel Insurance is much needed for adrenaline junkies who look for ways to pump up their energy during an adventurous trip. Participating in a hazardous sport can lead to injuries, which you may have to treat from your pocket. This is where a sports insurance policy can safeguard you. It covers all the expenses related to the wound or accident that occurred during an event.

Buying sports insurance is mandatory, but ever thought that you could land up in trouble if not double-checked or purchased in a hurry. There are several mistakes that people might make. Here are a few that are mentioned.

1. Not having a clear understanding of the policy

When someone is heading to purchase a policy, they need to assume a lot about the plans than they should. This especially happens when they opt for an online solution. They appear to understand the policy before signing the insurance form, but in reality, there can be terms that can be confusing. Communicating with the insurance provider can help you understand the plan and what it covers.

2. Hidden facts and figures

While purchasing sports travel insurance, people don’t want to take any risks and get the most out of their coverage. But, sometimes, some insurance providers conceal facts and surprise the policyholders with hidden figures after the purchase. Make sure that you approach a firm that has earned a name and reputation in the market. There must be complete honestly between the two parties.

3. Selecting a wrong plan

People stay so focused on choosing an affordable plan that they forget to check whether the plan suits them or not. If you are looking for the best sports travel insurance, you should check the benefits and how the coverage can benefit you. You must be sure that selecting an insurance policy is not just about the benefits but more about the nature of the policy itself.

4. Low premium traps

This is another common mistake that people make while choosing a sports insurance policy. Most of the time, the low premium amount gets customers’ attention. Why? Because people always hunt for cheap and affordable plans! Hence, they fall prey to such marketing campaigns and then end up with an unsuitable insurance plan. You should never choose a plan based on the premium cost, as there are many other things you need to consider.

5. Not reading terms and conditions

Several people commit the mistake of not reading the entire terms and conditions section. The terms and conditions for an insurance policy are usually quite a long document. However, it is one of the most vital documents. Most of the time, insurance providers can encourage you to read the terms and conditions of the document word by word. If you are unsure of something, you can always ask the provider and get clarified.

Why trust Visitor Guard®?

Buying Sports Travel Insurance

Visitor Guard® provides full security to the trip and keeps you financially secured throughout the trip. When you choose sports travel insurance, you can be assured that you can participate in extreme activities and do not think about the medical bills if injured. Your plan can cover all the hospitalization charges and doctor visits if fallen sick or are wounded while participating in any hazardous sport.

We have various sports travel insurance plans that can protect you when you are far away from home. Besides giving coverage to the activity, our featured plans can offer coverage to extended medical, COVID-19, loss of baggage, urgent care, prescription drugs, and more.

Also, have a look at the claim settlement procedure before buying. You will get all the related information in the plan’s brochure. Feel free to contact us to know more about the travel health insurance plans.

Chiranth Nataraj

Chiranth Nataraj

Travel Insurance Expert

Chiranth Nataraj is a licensed insurance agent and the principal at, an independent insurance agency that provides visitor insurance to customers across the United States and the world. With over 20 years of experience, Chiranth has been instrumental in educating the travel community, new immigrants, the international student community, and foreign governments about visitor medical insurance to cover medical expense risks. He has built a team that strives to make the preferred choice for travelers, exchange visitor organizations, and international universities. His insights and expertise have made him a popular industry voice, and he is often featured in USA Today, Forbes, Washington Post, and many more.


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